Digest 2015-06-17

<body>Federated Wiki Hangout on June 17, 2015<br><br>Attendees:<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Ward</li><li>Paul</li><li>David Ing</li><li>David Bovill</li><li>Ksenia Serova</li><li>Duke Crawford</li></ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Paul has been working on some problems associated with slow client response<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Developers version of Mozilla may fix that</li></ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Have used Chrome inspector, notices busy but doesn&#x27;t say where to fix<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Having notification on fork could be useful</li><li>Worry:&nbsp; creating a lot of interest when not ready for it</li><li>When we are ready, it could become a spam problem</li><li>Pod structure:&nbsp; automatically listening to each other</li><li>If find something interesting, should become involved in the pod</li></ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>Private notification to the site owner that you&#x27;re forking?<br><ul class="bullet"><li>In a pod, could whitelist or blacklist other sites</li><li>Where would it show up?&nbsp; Haven&#x27;t gotten that far, yet?&nbsp; At the bottom, in the journal?</li></ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>A popular fork showing up in the journal?<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Maybe the server would notice and fold it into the journal?</li></ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>How about any entry:&nbsp; first time you&#x27;re forked, it shows up; then could have &quot;you&#x27;ve been forked how many times&quot;<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Then doesn&#x27;t get overloaded</li></ul><br>Don&#x27;t notify on fork, notify on first edit<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Then could just have mentioning if linked to another page</li></ul><br>Would like to have drag from one page to another wiki, to cause a notice?<br><br>Farm instead of just a single wiki<br><br>Livecode, tiddlywiki<br><br>History in wiki<br><ul class="bullet"><li>It doesn&#x27;t actually save all the history</li><li>It saves the path</li><li>Could cut off the recent stuff by forking</li><li>Some people clobber Welcome page</li><li>Can explain how you got there</li></ul><br>Since December, have export of whole<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Had an export, and no import, just worked on this</li><li>If you a wiki in good shape last year, can dump</li></ul><br>Try hard to have lots of sites, and thus might have sites not needed<br><br>Screen sharing:<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Fork to shorten history</li><li>Import can show file that was dropped in, can look in and compare alphabeticized list, to ask which one I want</li><li>Can see the size, e.g. 11 MB, but only send one page at a time</li><li>Dealing with 111 MB could be a different problem, by 300 pages is 11 MB</li><li>Can move things site to site without server permissions</li><li>Not dependent on anyone&#x27;s farms</li></ul><br>Ward met Dave Winer (and previously):<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Allan Wirks-Brock hosted</li><li>Agreed on a lot</li><li>Spent an hour something that would hold and display his format; and Dave would do that for Ward</li><li>Comparing JSON</li><li>That&#x27;s not what really want to do</li><li>Want to move around whole pages</li><li>In the CAD days, had different tools, and wanted round-tripping</li><li>What would it mean to round-trip post content -- a well-developed outline or story, and move it back it forth between the approaches</li><li>Both working in Javascript, both using JSON, both have designed structures -- his deep and Ward&#x27;s flat</li><li>Have resisted having deep hierarchies, use hypertext</li><li>For him, editing an outlne is arbitrarily deep</li></ul><br>Wrote a Ruby program that would create a map in a batch<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Mehaffy wanted a city is not a tree</li><li>Graphviz takes care of node layouts</li></ul><br>Have an edit history graph<br><ul class="bullet"><li>If into 5 edit streams, could be messy</li></ul><br>Would like to be able to draw more things<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Have been a little slow to implement, as haven&#x27;t had communities to visualize</li></ul><br>Demo by Paul:<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Conversations page from the first Happenings</li><li>Narrative takes the page histories and gives a view</li></ul><br>During happening, discovered that there were some people who know what they were going, but didn&#x27;t have people paying attention to have people forking the right version<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Mike struggled to find out what was going on</li><li>As the world gets bigger, and there&#x27;s more people forking, we&#x27;ll see this situation happening all of the time</li><li>Paul started this is chronologically accurate, but people work in spurts so now it&#x27;s by edit events (e.g. 1000 dots if 1000 edits), dots don&#x27;t line up vertically</li></ul><br>Link for the Ruby program for Mike Mehaffy<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Draws a Graphviz</li><li>If you have pages that have calculations, using the method plugin, and they depend on variables in other pages, this will chart the variable name usage from page to page</li><li>Arc on a graph is a read or write to a page</li><li>Approach could be hyperlinks instead of variable references</li><li>Paul just showed edit history</li><li>There&#x27;s opportunity for creative visualization</li><li>Before summer is out, we&#x27;ll be showings to each other</li></ul><br>Duke:&nbsp; tiered depiction<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Has been working on text, for visual alignments</li><li>Originally working on translations</li><li>Useful for versioning on federate wiki?</li></ul><br>If have a series of pages open, and shift-hover over diagrams will show where it&#x27;s linked<br><ul class="bullet"><li>If know if it&#x27;s the same paragraph, but don&#x27;t know whether it holds the same content, could do a comparison</li></ul><br>Twext:&nbsp; not to have to reread both paragraphs, and know where minor fixes are<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Microsoft Word has strikethroughs</li><li>Integrate or remove it</li><li>Remove eye fixes</li><li>F7 to German puts verb at end</li><li>Chunk alignment to handle that</li></ul><br>Jon Udell was working in January, interested in idea that you could watch people write and see the development of a sentence<br><ul class="bullet"><li>Could get multiple versions in history</li><li>Make a version of the hover, to float over the page, let it go when the shift key is up</li><li>Like a slice of Paul&#x27;s paragraph</li><li>Jon did more like diff -- red, crossouts; and it wouldn&#x27;t recognize a move - see <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;jon&#x2e;sf&#x2e;fedwikihappening&#x2e;net&#x2F;view&#x2F;visualizing&#x2d;differences">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;jon.sf.fedwikihappening.net&#x2F;view&#x2F;visualizing-differences</a></li></ul><br>Duke is working with a programmer in Alexandria<br><br>Could ask her, if code is modular<br><br>Ksenia asked question about radar chart<br><br>To have a plugin show in the factory menu ...<br><ul class="bullet"><li>It works better for text plug-ins</li></ul><br>Demo on forage.wiki<br><ul class="bullet"><li>How to wiki ... Add Plugins ... How to choose a plugin</li><li>About Radar Plugin ... have an example, can drag off the page, and put it somewhere else ... which is tricky</li><li>Drag-and-drop for things that aren&#x27;t full width is tricky</li><li>Top Carbon Emitters</li><li>On Mac, shift-down to move</li><li>Menu goes through hypertext</li><li>Can have more plugins than on the menu</li><li>The way to get it is to copy it onto a page</li><li>Can hand-edit JSON, make it plug-in documentation, then it persists, so all have lineage</li><li>Like a mutation spreading through a population</li></ul><br>Link to PLAST<br><br>Any page that ends with the word Template will create a new template<br><br>Here&#x27;s the transcript from the Hangout chat<br><br>&#1048;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; &#1044;&#1080;&#1084;&#1080;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074; joined group chat.<br><br><strong>me</strong><br>12:59<br>I&#x27;ve started an Etherpad at <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;pad&#x2e;s2t&#x2e;org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015&#x2d;06&#x2d;17">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;pad.s2t.org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015-06-17</a><br>&#1048;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; &#1044;&#1080;&#1084;&#1080;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074; left group chat.<br>duke crawford joined group chat.<br><br><strong>me</strong><br>13:03<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;pad&#x2e;s2t&#x2e;org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015&#x2d;06&#x2d;17">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;pad.s2t.org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015-06-17</a><br>David Bovill joined group chat.<br><br><strong>me</strong><br>13:15<br>I&#x27;ve started an Etherpad at <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;pad&#x2e;s2t&#x2e;org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015&#x2d;06&#x2d;17">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;pad.s2t.org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015-06-17</a><br>David Bovill joined group chat.<br>&#1048;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; &#1044;&#1080;&#1084;&#1080;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074; joined group chat.<br>David Bovill left group chat.<br>John Storey joined group chat.<br>&#1048;&#1074;&#1072;&#1085; &#1044;&#1080;&#1084;&#1080;&#1090;&#1088;&#1086;&#1074; left group chat.<br>David Bovill left group chat.<br>ksenia serova joined group chat.<br><br><strong>me</strong><br>13:31<br>I&#x27;ve started an Etherpad at <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;pad&#x2e;s2t&#x2e;org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015&#x2d;06&#x2d;17">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;pad.s2t.org&#x2F;p&#x2F;2015-06-17</a><br>David Bovill joined group chat.<br>ksenia serova joined group chat.<br>David Bovill left group chat.<br>ksenia serova left group chat.<br><br><strong>Ward Cunningham</strong><br>13:35<br><a href="https&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;gist&#x2e;github&#x2e;com&#x2F;WardCunningham&#x2F;8272845">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;gist.github.com&#x2F;WardCunningham&#x2F;8272845</a><br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>13:38<br>We made a start on that recently <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;ksenya&#x2e;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome&#x2d;visitors&#x2F;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;pattern&#x2d;academy&#x2F;helene&#x2e;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;plast">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;ksenya.pattern.academy&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome-visitors&#x2F;pattern.academy&#x2F;pattern-academy&#x2F;helene.pattern.academy&#x2F;plast</a><br><br><strong>duke crawford</strong><br>13:38<br>pix8 OLDer version<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;th&#x2e;ai&#x2F;drop&#x2F;drop1&#x2e;mp4">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;th.ai&#x2F;drop&#x2F;drop1.mp4</a> 1m<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;th&#x2e;ai&#x2F;drop">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;th.ai&#x2F;drop</a><br>sort between tiers 1m<br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>13:38<br>Its so loud here<br><br><strong>duke crawford</strong><br>13:39<br>question forming:<br>twext alignment: <a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;twext&#x2e;com&#x2F;newtech&#x2e;gif">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;twext.com&#x2F;newtech.gif</a><br>purpose: less saccades (eyemovements) to get more better info<br><br>would it help comparison between slight #fedwiki updates?<br><br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;xc&#x2e;cx&#x2F;twext&#x2F;&#x23;hfh">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;xc.cx&#x2F;twext&#x2F;#hfh</a><br>f7 include english<br>f7 +other langs &#x2F;&#x2F; imagine as other english versions<br>weak connection<br>gr8!<br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>13:47<br>I have a question, just remembered: I have been trying to play with a radar chart - but where do I get a radar plugin? I dont seem to find it in the selections of plugins I have when I add a factory. (a bit off topic)<br><br><strong>John Storey</strong><br>13:48<br>i&#x27;ve never been here before, but you tweeted the link and I was curious, so ...<br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>13:52<br>So we need to have it on our server?<br>Or we can just drag it from any other wiki, such as the one Ward is showing?<br>thanx<br>I will try again and post in a group if I got someth wrong<br>Thanks<br><br><strong>Ward Cunningham</strong><br>13:57<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;ksenya&#x2e;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome&#x2d;visitors&#x2F;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;pattern&#x2d;academy&#x2F;helene&#x2e;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;plast">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;ksenya.pattern.academy&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome-visitors&#x2F;pattern.academy&#x2F;pattern-academy&#x2F;helene.pattern.academy&#x2F;plast</a><br><br><strong>me</strong><br>13:59<br>When I working with pattern language, I ended up doing SVG diagrams, and dropping them in.<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;fed&#x2e;coevolving&#x2e;com&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome&#x2d;visitors&#x2F;view&#x2F;service&#x2d;systems&#x2d;thinking&#x2F;view&#x2F;conversations&#x2d;for&#x2d;orientation&#x2d;on&#x2d;service&#x2d;systems&#x2d;thinking&#x2F;view&#x2F;generative&#x2d;pattern&#x2d;language&#x2F;view&#x2F;a&#x2d;pattern&#x2d;language&#x2d;which&#x2d;generates&#x2d;multi&#x2d;service&#x2d;centers&#x2d;1968">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;fed.coevolving.com&#x2F;view&#x2F;welcome-visitors&#x2F;view&#x2F;service-systems-thinking&#x2F;view&#x2F;conversations-for-orientation-on-service-systems-thinking&#x2F;view&#x2F;generative-pattern-language&#x2F;view&#x2F;a-pattern-language-which-generates-multi-service-centers-1968</a><br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>14:00<br>wow nice<br>Yoo can do that in Graphviz using ranking<br>It does go in<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;livecode&#x2e;viral&#x2e;academy&#x2F;svg&#x2e;html">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;livecode.viral.academy&#x2F;svg.html</a><br>Works fine<br>Except for the links!<br>No<br>SVG&#x27;s work fine<br>Drag and drop works<br>Yes<br>But no - href links<br>See the experiments I did above<br>No only lins<br>Yep<br>That would be great<br>Yes<br>Yes<br><br><strong>me</strong><br>14:06<br>I registered for Purplsoc.<br><br><strong>ksenia serova</strong><br>14:06<br>So are a bunch of our friends<br>PLAST = Pattern Language for Social Change<br>Helene is going<br><a href="http&#x3a;&#x2F;&#x2F;helene&#x2e;pattern&#x2e;academy&#x2F;welcome&#x2d;visit">http:&#x2F;&#x2F;helene.pattern.academy&#x2F;welcome-visit</a><br>@David do you know Helene? If not you should meet at Purplsoc<br><br><strong>duke crawford</strong><br>14:09<br>thx!!!<br>Ward Cunningham left group chat.<br>ksenia serova left group chat.<br>duke crawford left group chat.<br>Paul Rodwell left group chat.<br>John Storey left group chat.<br><br><br></body>