Ward's Recent Activity

The question here is how would I go about creating a page of Wards recent activity across all his sites?

Wards Sites have changed some, as they will. Ideally each author would maintain their own list of domains, or there is some code that enables this in a decentralised way (harder).

All Wards Sites REFERENCES future.fedwiki.org/wards-sites ROSTER ward.bay.wiki.org/welcome-visitors

We roster above uses the following markup:

REFERENCES future.fedwiki.org/wards-sites ROSTER ward.bay.wiki.org/welcome-visitors

And lists Ward's activity from all sites below:


# Manually

We can of course find sites using Google Search and then manually add these to a Roster.

Search records new activity found with each scrape of the visible federation. In addition to the web application, these records are available as downloadable files, a trancludable roster and a search api.