Collect Cards Privately

Collectors can curate (save) cards in the local storage of their browsers. This enables private tracking of cards as they change, with private edits potentially forgotten as the federation evolves.

Local Editing allows a collector to take a card, and make changes that aren't accessible to the world.

* In the Wiki Card lower right, selecting the Fork This Card button [ ⚑ ] takes a copy from a remote site into the current lineup. * Fork is the New Like in preserving wiki cards within the federation over time. If content is deemed important by a wiki site collector, taking one or more cards will ensure persistence, even if the original author's site disappears. * In the Lineup footer, selecting the *wiki* button toggles a checkmark [ ✓ ], indicating that paragraphs on each wiki card are available for editing.

A collector may find some other features of the card and lineup useful.

* Names of Things provides a glossary of federated wiki terms. * Project Names place federated wiki in the context of other technological advances. * A list of Recent Changes across the neighborhood is generated dynamically, according to the Context. * In the Journal at the bottom of the page, a history of revision Actions can be reviewed. * Search Sites nearby, and Find Sites that share with you, as ways to expand your neighborhood. * More insights can be gained on Frequently Asked Questions